Here's a unique and meaningful way to ring in the new and release the old:
1. Cut up paper into 20 small pieces. Write down 10 memories/concepts/items that you would like to release from 2009, and 10 intentions you would like to grow in 2010.
2. Perform a releasing ceremony: For each concept you would like to release, state it out loud, then rip it up into tiny pieces and throw it out. Feel the concept leaving your body and mind with each physical movement.
3. Perform a growing ceremony: Choose a hearty plant in a large pot with extra soil around the roots. Roll up the intentions for 2010 one by one and plant them in the soil. As you nurture and care for your plant this year, watch your intentions grow as well.
From Karoun Yoga Newsletter #31, 12/28/2009

Photo by Clark Tibbs on Unsplash
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