The naked trees caught me off guard at my family's summer cabin today. We don't go there in the winter. The depth of the forest surprised me - every trunk, every branch surrounded me in a new leafless beauty.
As I backed out of the property that sits on top of Wilbraham Mountain, the Connecticut River Valley winked at me through my back window in all its wide expansive glory - all the lights in the valley twinkling back at me in their gem-like splendor. This view too, is hidden from our cabin when the leaves are on the trees.
An unexpected beauty unfolds as the trees shed their leaves. Suddenly, we can see more. Yoga can act in this way as well. Hidden beneath a swath of attitudes and expectations of society, knots of tension and stress, is this beautiful expanse of self that is waiting to be discovered.
From Karoun Yoga Newsletter #24, 11/16/2009

Photo by Karoun Charkoudian
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