
Published on 2 November 2009 at 13:30

There is so much to celebrate this week! While a yoga celebration allows us to uncover our masks of stress and anxiety and reveal our true selves, the Halloween celebration gives us an opportunity to hide beneath costumes of witches and goblins and act as we please. Each, a different form of celebration.


Saturday morning as I braided my hair into the multiple serpentine coils of my Medusa costume, I pondered the irony. Spending most of my days guiding people to bring space back into their spine, and heal their stiff hips, on Saturday, I chose to be a woman that turns people into stone. What better way for a yoga teacher to get out of her skin for a night!


And so, after celebrating beneath layers of fabric and snake skin, this week let's celebrate yoga: uncovering the layers of tension in the body and mind, and getting closer to our authentic happy and healthy selves!


From Karoun Yoga Newsletter #21, 11/2/2009

Photo by Hush Naidoo on Unsplash

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