Last week away from my yoga students, I chose to be a yoga student, and was surprised and humbled by my experience.
(First of all, I was rushing to make it to class on time. How ironic that was. I had to keep reminding myself to breathe!)
In class, the teachers really pushed me, and I was furious! Letting go of emotion during the yoga practice was a challenge. In western society we tend to do the opposite - fuel our emotions with more energy and validation, rather than just letting them go. I found myself in that downward spiral. Yoga is a great place to tinker with this art, the art of letting go of physical and emotional tension. By giving myself permission, time, and space, I was eventually able to let go. Figuring this out on the mat is a great place to start. Next it's out the studio doors and into the world. What fun being a student!
From Karoun Yoga Newsletter #27, 12/8/2009

Photo by Erik Brolin on Unsplash
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