Sunday morning was an early one for me -- by 6:30am I was in Lowell helping my sister prepare for the Baystate Marathon. She has run many marathons before, but this one was different -- it was close to freezing with a chance of snow and she hates the cold. As a yoga instructor, it was interesting to watch her mind tricking her into thinking she couldn't do it (the prior 36 hours filled with nauseau and insomnia). After months of training her body, it was time to train her mind.
Though I'd love to take the credit, helping her find a deeper breath and alignment with her center, at the end of the day all she really needed to do was start running. As my family and I cheered her on at the 7, 18, and 21-mile marks, she looked amazing.
It was just about getting herself out there, in the cold and the rain, and putting one foot in front of the other.
I see this happen all the time with yoga. So many people allow their minds to trick them into thinking that they can't do it. All they really need to do is get themselves to the studio and on a mat. Many have come into my classes afraid of what might happen, and leave feeling amazing, loving yoga, and telling me so.
And so this week, whatever your challenge is, get yourself on your own starting line, and put one foot in front of the's so much more fulfilling, and surprisingly easier that the wait itself!
From Karoun Yoga Newsletter #19, 10/19/2009

Photo by Isaac Wendland on Unsplash
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