We live in a world of energy, the gas that gets us to and from work, the electric current running through our houses,
but what about the electric current that runs through our body?
If we don't maintain our own energy on the inside, how can we expect to maintain energy sources on the outside? Some say that the world's "energy crisis" is just a reflection of what is happening on the inside.
What if we were our car. Is the "empty" light on a lot? Are the batteries charged? We ask a friend for a jump-start, but that doesn't work if their battery is not charged either!
And so perhaps we can start our Green movement from the inside out. Yoga brings power back to us - allowing us to recharge, regroup, reconnect - feel energized all day, sleep beautifully all night. We can maintain our own energy on the inside and notice how the world around us becomes Greener.
From Karoun Yoga Newsletter #17, 10/5/2009

Photo by Karoun Charkoudian
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