The color red is stimulating!
Mid-February colors are not so stimulating!
As we celebrate with the color red - Valentine's Day, Chinese New Year, and Mardi Gras, we are stimulated!
Red is the color of love and passion, in Hallmark tradition we give red roses and red hearts. Red is the color of luck, fortune, and fertility - on Chinese New Year red envelopes filled with money symbolize good luck. Historically red pointed to sinful actions that brought about guilty pleasure - did somebody say Mardi Gras?
So let's move away from the standard February grays and add some "red" to our lives this week - fun, passion, fortune, and liveliness. Getting to an energizing yoga class (intermediate perhaps!) will stimulate these feelings automatically, and if you can't do that even gazing at red flowers, or getting cozy under a red blanket should brighten your mood!
From Karoun Yoga Newsletter #39, 2/15/2010

Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash
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