Yoga and Healthy Blood Pressure

Published on 29 June 2009 at 11:04

Can yoga actually help to bring blood pressure to a healthy level? Medical research seems to say so.


High blood pressure, a common health problem in the US, is linked to our daily stress levels. It turns out that yoga's beneficial effects to decrease stress has also been proven scientifically to lower blood pressure.


In one study, three months of yoga training caused a significant decrease in blood pressure in people with clinical hypertension (high blood pressure) without additional medication or other intervention (reference below).


It seems that the health benefits of a regular yoga practice are truly endless. Allowing us to enjoy a life with less pills and more health, naturally.


From Karoun Yoga Newsletter #4 6/29/2009



Khatri D et al. Effects of yoga and meditation on clinical and biochemical parameters of metabolic syndrome. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 78: e9-e10, 2007.

Photo by Mor Shani on Unsplash

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