Namaste, "The light within me salutes the light within you" is a traditional yoga closing. Easy to say when feeling warm and fuzzy at the end of a yoga class. But actually, Namaste means we salute the light of not just our yoga classmates, but the light of everyone in our lives. Yes, this means business competitors, in-laws, exes... And it's not just about saluting a person, it's about finding and seeing their light, and then saluting that aspect about them.
There's a floor lamp in my guest bedroom. For months now, it would not turn on. Recently while showing my apartment to friends, we walked into the guest bedroom and suddenly light was emanating from the direction of my floor lamp (my friend had simply flipped the switch beside the door).
All this light coming from a direction where I thought there couldn't be any light. I just needed a new person, a new perspective, to show this to me. A yoga practice can be this new perspective, opening up a new way of looking at ourselves and others.
From Karoun Yoga Newsletter #11 on 8/17/2009

Photo by Colton Duke On Unsplash
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